Saturday, 19 May 2018

Week 24 - Literature Review Thoughts

I have been doing lots of reading to answer the question posed in my previous blog post. Once I started reading I found that my question was almost two questions, one on leadership and one on digital learning.

Once I had reflected on that, I found that I was being pulled to the digital learning readings and delving more into that research.

I reflected on what I wanted to achieve from this inquiry... I want to support my team in introducing a new digital initiative of SeeSaw. Once I began to think about the team of teachers that I will be leading I found that the issues that may arise could be around why? Why are we starting a new digital initiative? This made me wonder if my literature review should focus on digital learning and its impact on students and teachers so I can use the research findings to support my change initiative.

Therefore my teacher inquiry is likely to still be focusing on leading change but the research of the literature review will hopefully support me in doing this through justification of the digital learning on student engagement, curriculum and pedagogy.

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