Friday, 8 December 2017

Week 4

This week we discussed constructivism and constructionism. We also discussed cooperative vs collaborative.

Cooperative vs Collaborative
I liked the example that was given for this today.
Cooperative - going to a pot luck dinner and everyone taking food, none learns anything new.
Collaborative - going to a dinner and cooking new dishes together, everyone has the chance to learn to cook something new.
I got excited about the Makey Makey as they are something new that I hadn't seen before and was the first one to grab one. This was probably helped as I was the only one in our group with prior experience of the programme, 'Scratch' that we were using. Once I had set it up on my laptop others came to try it. They did not seem to want to try it on their laptops and were happy to use it from mine.

I was then not very focused and did not participate well, possibly as the actual task was musical which is not a strength or interest of mine. I felt guilty for not using a higher level of collaboration. My contributions to the task mostly revolved around making slides look pretty and referencing. This is the complete opposite to my approach to working collaboratively in my teaching practice and when working on our current collaborative assignment. Often we slip into the roles that we feel comfortable in and this makes sense as I felt guilty and lazy when I stepped into another role and disregarded my usual approach. 

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