Tuesday, 30 January 2018

Week 9

Week 9

Personal learning network (digital tools)
Google plus

The power of social media for connectivism.

Used coggle to reflect on my approach to leadership. I enjoyed the program and am looking forward to trying it with my kids.

Lead by the vision driven by the mission

8 Step change model - John P Kotter
  1. Sense of urgency - Urgent need for change
  2. Powerful coalition
  3. Vision for change
  4. Communicate vision - imbed it in everything you do and walk the talk
  5. Empower action - Remove obstacles - anything in the way, recognise and reward those that make change
  6. Create quick wins
  7. Build on the change
  8. Make it stick
SImilarities with diffusion adopters. This is in stages over a long time to get it embedded whereas a new idea using diffusion adopters could be quicker. Kotter based on the importance of the vision and guided by the value of the vision. Both models have their value.

Important to have a vision of the change process to reduce the error rate. Fewer errors can spell the difference between success and failure.

Teaching Designing and Developing Digital Outcomes
We worked collaboratively to reflect on the technology curriculum, linking with John P Kotter’s model.

Wednesday, 24 January 2018

Week 8

Design Thinking

How is feedback integrated into the design thinking process? Scaffolding the students to give effective feedback and to do it critically.

Why should you fight the urge to defend your ideas? Ideas can help develop ideas.

Design thinking mindsets
  • Embrace ambiguity
  • Optimism
  • Iterate, iterate, iterate
  • Learn from failure
  • Make it
  • Creative competence
  • Empathy

Followed a design thinking challenge process to answer the question “How might your customer be a better online learner?

Design perspectives
  • People think and see things differently
  • Problem solving and innovative

Define who your audience is.
Who are you designing for? What are their needs, context and history? Who are the stakeholders?

7 Pillars of digital leadership
Sheninger, E. (2014) Digital leadership. Changing paradigms for changing times. Corwin Press.

Take control of public relations to spread positive news and communicate with your main stakeholder in real time. Which tools could be used? Chat using private message using seesaw, email, facebook. How can brand presence be created? Using logos, brands, school logo etc.

Tuesday, 16 January 2018

Week 7

Digital - Blending learning

Flipped lesson videos.
Try the flipped task in class - flipped task where they watch the video lesson / instruction in class and work with the students to apply the task.

Time to create them.
Will junior students utilize and go back to the videos?

Students able to go back to the video for future reference

How could it be managed in a junior classroom to ensure students are getting the value from the flipped learning?

To get genuine collaboration you need to be honest (make yourself vulnerable) about the stuff you are not good at so you can collaborate well together.

Other ways for blending learning
Start learning in class and then get them to extend (flipped flipped learning)

If students aren't learning then what can I do or change to help them?
The power of research when trying to make change with colleagues, here is the research that supports what I am proposing and here is the data. Here is the impact. If you would like to try something different show me the research!

Flipped classroom type approached uses a blended approach with a mix of online and brick and mortar.

Writing - blended learning
Using book creator, write about etc with some of class to make writing time more manageable and focus on those not on devices.  

Tes teach (formally Blendspace)

Leadership - Online discussion and distributed leadership
What tools can be used to facilitate online discussions...
World of warcraft in school
Google +
Blogger Docs

Leading online discussion
Set guidelines
Make connections
Challenge students to think critically
Encourage participation
Praise discussion posts
Guide conversations back to the question at hand
Use real-world experiences
Hesitate before interjecting
MindEdge Learning Workshop (2014)

Distributed leadership

Jones (n.d.) defines distributed leadership as action by many people working collectively across the institution to build leadership capacity in learning and teaching. It differs from other, more traditional, approaches to building leadership capacity in which the traits, skills and behaviours of individual leaders are emphasised.

High trust mode and embrace failing. Vision and values. Build the culture for distributed leadership

Jones, S. (n.d.). Distributed Leadership. Retrieved April 15, 2016, from http://www.distributedleadership.com.au/

MindEdge Learning Workshop. (2014, April 30). Leading Online Discussion. Retrieved from http://learningworkshop.mindedge.com/2014/04/30/leading-online-discussions/

Week 6

Pechaflicker - you can use a random selection of pictures on a set topic.

Working as a group to look at aspects of a leadership theory - Situational leadership theory is more than just changing to meet the needs and task as it is using the different leadership styles.

We are never all one theory - leading adults may be different to leading students.

Delegating is not necessary bad, if it is new to people then starting in delegating is helpful/necessary.

Week 5

Computational thinking
  • Digital citizenship (being able to use and navigate digital technologies to enhance)

Using guess my number to 100. You can get the answer within 7 questions if you use halves to ask questions which give you an logorthium. Which gives people the procedures to use to solve problems. We aren’t getting people to be computers but to solve problems and draw on concepts fundamental to solving problems.

Computational thinking means...
Decomposition - breaking down data
Pattern recognition - observing patterns, trends, and regularities in data
Abstraction - identifying the general principles that generate these patterns (finding the things that work and help - these are the things I need to do)
Algorithm design - developing the step by step instructions for solving this and similar problems (put the things together and this makes the algorithm step).

Good computational thinkers follow these steps - good cooks are often good computational thinkers as they work through these steps.

Algorithm set of instructions - programme specific language

The best algorithm is the simplest with the fewest steps.
Becoming creators rather than consumers. Doing and expressing on the devices, past just pinching and following instructions on ipads etc.

Coding - creating an algorithm without devises. Create a dance routine using steps, loop, repeat.

Being fluent - Using technology to create.

Driver does the typing. Navigator will give feedback and suggestions. Then swap.

Compared todays tasks to the new curriculum.

Developing a growth mindset - Leadership
Children have a more plastic brain than adults. Child took 2 weeks to learn something that an adult took 8 months (backwards brain bicycle story)
Pre programming - pre wired.

Knowledge does to equal understanding.
Truth is truth

Growth mindset
  • Fixed mindset - I can't do this. I'm too busy. I don't have a talent for this etc.